What Makes Us Stressed Is What Makes Us Fearful of Each Other

Many of us are stressed. 

We don't even realize we are stressed because this has become our normal. 

This might become apparent when we snap at someone who innocently gets in our way. Or feel impatient when we are standing in line at the grocery store. 

Why are we so stressed? 

We live in a culture that promotes stress.

This happens in so many ways: money is short, work is banal, debt is always on the horizon, deadlines are looming, health is declining, life can seem empty, people are cut off from each other, and on and on.

And there is the news.

The news is stressful. 

What does the news tell us about the world?

What mirror does the news hold up to us?

The news tells us that people are foolish and violent. The news tells us that our streets are not safe. The news tells us not to trust others

The news tells us that there is always some major conflict going on somewhere in the world and the reason is because of violent and greedy people

The news amplifies the worst in humanity: the murderers, the trespassers, the embezzlers, the manipulators, the con-artists, the selfish, the liars. 

The news tells us that our world is not safe and that we should be fearful of each other.

The news tells us that other people are wrong, bad, violent, malicious, and deceitful.

Is this an accurate reflection? 

Does this correspond to the world you know in your everyday, on-the-street life?

When you encounter a stranger do you feel in your heart that they are malicious?

Or does your heart tell you that you are both human beings doing your best to be good and kind. 

The next time you watch the news, ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of world is being painted here? Is this an accurate reflection of the world I know in my everyday encounters? What does my heart tell me is true?

  • Which world do I choose to believe in?

The news is poisonous. 

Turn off the news.


Also Read: Five Ways to Stop Fear From Keeping You Awake at Night


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