Got a Problem? Learn How to Let Your Dreams Solve It for You

Dreams are magical reservoirs of wisdom, where information is transmuted into creative insight and problem-solving.

Recently, I was working on a program I was launching.

There were elements of it I couldn't fit together in a satisfactory way.

So I told my dreams to resolve it for me.

And they did. The next day, I got up and wrote out the program with ease.

Recent research has probed into dreams to learn more about how dreams solve your problems.

While dreaming, the mind creates countless associations, bringing in memories from the past and fitting them together with recent events.

Like a giant jigsaw puzzle of experience, all these pieces are reassembled by dreaming.

There is no need to actually remember the dream for problem-solving to be effective.

It may be that associations from new neural networks connected within the brain cause solutions to pop into the mind the following day.

Here is how you can intentionally resolve a problem during dreaming:

  1. The day before, focus on the issue at hand and reflect on the elements of the situation. It helps to write it down, either as a diagram or through descriptive writing.

  2. Tell yourself that your dreams will bring these elements together in a unique way that somehow you cannot see right now. Keep an open mind, feeling receptive to what the dream can bring.

  3. Before you go to sleep, tell yourself that your dream will resolve it for you. Surrender the problem to the wisdom of your dreams.

  4. The next day, be open to any insight that comes to you. Journaling can help bring forth ideas.

Try this and enjoy the magic of how seeding dreams can enhance your life!

The alchemy of dreaming is a source of great wisdom available to you at any time. You do not necessarily need to remember your dreams to benefit.

What you need is an open mind.


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