Trouble Sleeping? You’re In The Right Spot.
When Trouble With Your Boss Keeps You Awake at Night
There is an inner dialogue going on inside you all the time. When it’s about preoccupations of the day, this can keep you awake at night. This is a mind trap. Applying mental mastery tools can help you let go of the thinking pattern and fall asleep.
The Inner Dialogue That Robs You of Sleep
Your inner dialogue keeps you from going to be when you intend to. It keeps you up fretting about what happened the day before. It wakes you up too early as you worry about what might happen tomorrow. The inner dialogue is a mind trap – but it can be avoided.
Put Yourself Into a State of Choice
Much of what we do is mindless. We don’t know why we do what we do. Many compulsions function that way and can turn into “everyday addictions”. There is a secret to avoiding this and putting yourself into a state of choice.
Got a Problem? Learn How to Let Your Dreams Solve It for You
Do you ever wonder where the expression “sleep on it” came from?
When you dream, your brain sorts through the day’s problems. If you’re looking for a solution for a specific problem, find out how to let your dreams find the solution you need.
Meditation is a Radical Practice of Deprogramming Ourselves
We are programmed to distract ourselves from frustration and discomfort. We train our minds to reject stress and push away negativity. What if I told you that this habit is bad for you? That meditation and acceptance can help you deprogram and live a more balanced life? Take some time for yourself.
Why You Need to Meditate (It’s Not What You Think)
Meditation is about more than peaceful serenity. The calm, relaxing breaths bring more than stillness.
The true power of meditation allows for mindful self-awareness that can benefit your life. Find out how.
Five Ways to Stop Fear From Keeping You Awake at Night
It is refusing to "know what we know" that keeps us stuck in fear. We may try to avoid this part of us, but it is in touch with a reality greater than our own selves and our pedestrian preferences. Fear lives in the darkness where we refuse to go.
These fears can follow us into the night and keep us awake.
Would You Make This Change to Your Sleep if Your Life Depended On It?
Most of us experience times when we feel split - one part of us knows something, but another part of us doesn't want to know it. But what if that something was the prospect of Alzheimer’s
As a busy professional, you juggle many different things during the day, your mind a-buzzing.
Then it's hard to unwind when it comes time to get to sleep
Find out how to turn off your mind, relax, and get to sleep.
Click here to get better sleep tonight!