Start and Stick to a Healthy Morning Routine

Here is what NOT to do if you want to start your day according to the routine you have planned for yourself:

Don’t ask yourself, “shall I?”

"Shall I go for a walk?" 

“Shall I meditate?”

“Shall I do my stretches?”

That's where things start to unravel.  With a debate.

A successful routine starts with just doing it. No discussion. 

I started my day recently with, “Shall I go for a run?”

Instead, I debated as I brushed my teeth, had a glass of water, and made the bed. 

Confession: I didn't go for a run. 

I reasoned that I had some errands to do later by bike, and I'd get my exercise at that time. 

Here are the elements I strive to get into my morning before breakfast: 

A glass of water: The body gets dehydrated overnight and has been busy clearing itself of toxins. A glass of water first thing in the morning clears toxins and is rehydrating.

Meditation: A practice to ground myself. Sometimes I am really centered on my breath. Other times I am all over the place in my mind. That’s OK. I start the day with that awareness. 

Exercise: Usually this is the best time to get my daily exercise. I go, it’s done. I'm always glad I did it afterward.

Daylight: This sets my circadian rhythms for the day. I usually do my exercise outside so I get both benefits at the same time. 

Writing: This is a new daily practice and I have to confess that it is competing with my meditation.  Perhaps I’ll have to adjust my expectations with this.

Breakfast: I delay breakfast until after 9:00. This gives my body extra time to clear out the dead cells and toxins while in a fasting state.

My morning routine is still a work in progress.

It’s not easy to do all these things.

I often don’t do everything on the list.

One of the things that I struggle with is how to adjust to the difference in light over the course of the year. For example, during winter, it’s too dark in the morning to go outside and exercise.

My solution is to take a flexible attitude.

One thing is constant, and that is my breakfast time.

The timing and order of the other items vary according to the time of year and what’s going on in my life.

Also, I don’t beat myself up when I miss something in my morning routine. 

When I "fall off the wagon," all is not lost.

I know that the next day, I'll be back at it. 

Because it feels good for my body, mind, and soul. 


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