Are You Squandering Your Top Asset?

If you think for a living, you want to guard your peak time for mental performance and use that time wisely. 

Do you know when you think best and under what conditions?  

Chances are, you don't.

Our conditioning, through years of school and 9-5 white-collar jobs, does not predispose us to find our quality time and use it well. 

How we use our time has been predetermined for us. We have all conformed to a schedule for the masses, for years and years.  

We fit into cookie-cutter routines.

Because of this, many people have spent their lives getting up at a time not suited to them. 

This then sets up a self-defeating pattern; downing coffee to jolt the body into wakefulness. Dosing the body with convenient sugary substances.

More caffeine when fatigue sets in later in the day. 

Rather than experiencing the natural cycle of mental performance over the course of a day, many people are in a constant battle between fatigue and overstimulation. 

There is another way: 

  1. Decide what time you will wake up and get out of bed in the morning.  Be consistent.

  2. Plan to go to bed 16 hours later, to give yourself 8 hours of sleep.

  3. Take note of when you feel most alert over the course of the day, and at what time your energy dips. How long are you able to sustain attention and focus?

  4. Plan your day accordingly, scheduling focus time during your peak hours.

Perhaps you are now thinking, “But that’s impossible! I have other commitments to attend to.”

It may be that you negotiate your time with others.

This could be your boss, colleagues, spouse, children.

Schedule your peak thinking time in your calendar as meetings with yourself. 

Guard your peak thinking time! 

Your goals, dreams, and satisfaction depend on it.


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Start and Stick to a Healthy Morning Routine