Trouble Sleeping? You’re In The Right Spot.
After Menopause This Sleep Hormone Declines Like It’s Falling Off a Cliff
Melatonin is considered to be THE sleep hormone, and for good reason. Without melatonin, your body would not know when it is day and when it is night. Unfortunately, melatonin production decreases with age. Especially for women after menopause. Find out how to boost melatonin.
Simple Indulgences You Mostly Ignore That May Be Ruining Your Sleep
Sleep deprivation and erratic sleep can be caused by simple indulgences that can become addictive. These can include addiction to eating at night and addiction to social media. Erratic sleep leads to sleep deprivation. Get the rest you need and overcome these everyday addictions.
A Surprising Reason for Quitting Coffee
The benefit of quitting coffee is not what you think. Quitting coffee will make you feel more energized as well as helping with sleep. Quitting coffee is not difficult and you can even quit and still enjoy coffee – from time to time.
What Will You Have to Let Go of to Get Great Sleep?
What is the price of a good night’s sleep? Each person’s needs are different. When you know you are not focusing well and your brain feels foggy, what would you be willing to let go of to feel awake and alert?
What to Do When You Wake Up in the Night and Can't Fall Back Asleep
Do you wake up at night and have trouble falling back to sleep? Does your mind disrupt your sleep, buzzing with random thoughts about your day and plans for tomorrow? There are a few things you can do to help yourself get the sleep you need.
This Common Wind-Down Aid Has the Opposite Effect
You come home from a long day and just want to unwind. You crack open a beer or pour a glass of wine to help yourself relax. But is it really relaxing? Find out how alcohol can negatively affect your sleep and, by extension, your stress levels.
Are You Squandering Your Top Asset?
Each person has a time during the day when they are most productive. The trick is, it’s not always the same time of day. Learn how to find your peak focus hours so you can make the most of each day.
Why You Are Chronically Sleep Deprived and What to Do About It
Are you chronically sleep deprived? Did you know that, even if you have a solid routine during the week, staying up late and sleeping in on weekends can have a negative effect on your sleep cycle? Find out what you can do about your lack of sleep to get the rest your body deserves.
How Meditation Can Help You Sleep
Are you one of those people who "can't meditate"? Meditation is a simple practice available to any of us. Once you have the basics of how to meditate, you can easily practice it to calm down the mind and get to sleep.
What it Means to Be a Light Sleeper and What You Can Do About It
What does it mean to be a "light sleeper"? Is it normal? Is your body telling you something when you wake easily? Read on to find out what you can do to protect your sleep.
How to Wind Down from a Stressful Day and Get to Sleep
What state of mind are you in when you go to bed? You may find it difficult to fall asleep. You are too wired with thoughts about what happened today and what you need to do tomorrow. Your mind is racing, thoughts spinning around and round. How to get out of this trap?
A Simple Fix to Enhance Sleep Quality
If you are waking up at night, this may be what's happening - especially if you are waking up early in the morning, like 3:00 am.
The Hidden Reason Why Our Sleep Is Getting Worse and a Surprising Solution
You have poor sleep. It has gotten worse and worse over the years.
You are not alone.
How Much Sleep Do You REALLY Need?
How much sleep do you really need? Consistently getting a good night's sleep is critical for ongoing health. But what exactly is a “good night’s sleep”? And are you getting it? Everywhere you read that you need “8 hours sleep” .If you are not getting 8 hours of sleep every night, you might feel concerned. But is that true that you need 8 hours of sleep? Let’s find out; How much sleep do you really need?
As a busy professional, you juggle many different things during the day, your mind a-buzzing.
Then it's hard to unwind when it comes time to get to sleep
Find out how to turn off your mind, relax, and get to sleep.
Click here to get better sleep tonight!