What to Do When You Wake Up in the Night and Can't Fall Back Asleep

The other night I woke up with a start. 

My mind buzzed with all the things I had to get done.

I started to think about all those things, which is the worst thing to do when in bed. For a while, I lay there, hoping to fall asleep again. But it was not going to happen. 

I'm sure you have been there too.

It happens to everyone at some time or other. In this situation, most people do the exact opposite of what they should do in order to fall back asleep: they try harder to sleep.

Here is what you should do instead:

When I couldn't sleep that night, I did what I always tell my clients to do. I got out of bed.

I listened to a meditation track. Then I read something a little heady and challenging and started to feel a bit sleepy.

I still wasn't tired, though. So I started journaling. I journaled about the thoughts that had woken me up. I journaled about ideas that I had. I got all of my thoughts down on paper. 

Then I was ready to go back to bed. I snuggled in and fell asleep.

Here is what to do if you wake up in the night and can't fall back asleep:

  • Get out of bed. When you are wide awake and can't fall back asleep it's best to get out of bed. Otherwise, you will simply toss and turn and prolong the time it will take to fall back to sleep.

  • Go somewhere comfortable. You don't want to wake yourself up with light so make sure the lighting is low.

  • Do something that is not stimulating. Meditate, read something a bit boring, or listen to quiet music.

  • If your thoughts are racing around in your mind, write them down. This gives them a place to go, out of your head.

Once you feel sleepy again, go back to bed.


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